A downloadable game

“There is a realm beyond our own. That is a fact.

Where fairies gloat, scheme and play everyday, surrounded by their loyal knights and mesmerized peasants.

Where light plays around in ways unknown to our little world, colours from beyond nature and emotions run rampant in octarine islands of life.

Who wouldn’t dream of visiting such a world?”

Mirrors are said to offer aglimpse into this world: the images cast by them are just a copy, a mask, a simulacrum of reality touched by the silveryreflection of glass. There issomething hiding there, playing with our reflections

In Murano, Venice, a lone mirror maker has made her life’s goal to find a way to the Otherworld.

The year is 1757, and she has done it.

But dreams are so easily shattered when met with reality.

Written by Giuliano Roverato (@KnightRamen)

Edited by Gustavo Nassar (@BullshitCleric)

Random Encounters & Rumors by Brian Richmond (http://www.goatmansgoblet.com)

Art by Michelle Smallwood

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
AuthorRoll 4 Tarrasque


MIrrorMirror (1).pdf 3.4 MB
CheatSheet_MIrroMirror.pdf 423 kB

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