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is there a portuguese version for the character sheets? i have the physical book in portuguese with the character sheet, but i want to print out multiple copies in high quality

hi there, just wondering if any community copies would be released into the wild before Christmas 

It’s a tough month for me without family and I’m after some good games to help cope with the holiday period. Kind regards

Hey guys. I really love the Book/setting/tone... everything...! 

if someone who knows reads this: i have a question about the Plank (page 40) /fighting. i know attacks always hit when in reach, but the plank says it can stun enemies if i "succeed in attacking" and "roll doubles". this implies that attacks dont hit automaticly and need a test (or the plank does 2d6 dmg? i dont think so). The Veils attribute also states that it is used to dodge enemy attacks, again implying that attacking needs a test to succseed (which tends to be the way i prefer to play...). Is this a remnant of an older version perhaps or am is missing something?

i know i can bend the rules to my liking, but i am just curious.

i hope i diddnt come of as nit-picky. Brave Zenith was the game that ignited my love for ttrpgs and made me want to become an island! I love it.



Hey feel free to comment, no problem!

The Plank weapon is indeed something that slipped through the multiple versions of the game (we are working on an updated version). We did fix it in the brazilian version: It should read "when you make an effective attack with this weapon, you may stun your opponent".

As for the description on Veils the wording is poor. When we say attacks, we mean special attacks from monsters like the Capymera, which asks for a Circus test (which is a Veils skill). We've changed the description of Veils in the new version to avoid confusion.

I understand. I guess its the same for blocking/parrying with steel then. 

Thank you for answering! And i am happy to hear brave zenith gets an update! :)


The game got a lovely overview, alongside a bunch of other cool adventures, here in this video 

(1 edit) (+4)

It's kind of a weird thing to notice, but I love that the objects in the goo man's hands are bigger when viewed through his goo.

I can't afford this right now, but I wanna pick it up later.


Glad you noticed! Its a lovely detail the artist added :)


The first Brave Jam that happened last year:


An unique beach inspired adventure for Brave Zenith:


An extreme sports hack of Brave Zenith


A bit more on the Game of the Year Brave Zenith won in 2022:


The creator of Into the Odd did a readthrough of the book a couple of months ago, a good way to see if this game is right for you!


This is an article explaining a bit more of the project that helped make Brave Zenith (and a bunch of other games) into reality!


A couple of months ago I was a guest at the Not DnD podcast, where I talked at length about Brave Zenith's design, its influences and the experience of making the game.